'Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.’
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Dialogue between Gandalf and Dwarves, about Balrog
(The dwarves have finally decided to attack Moria without Gondor and Elves. To make sure, Moria can be mined without Balrog’s terror, they ask Gandalf about it. Gandalf was passing through, when he was requested to visit, Balin 11, the then kin of Dwarves)
Dwarf Guard: Hail Mithrandir and well met. Enter now the chamber of the kings, for king Balin wishes to parley with you.
(Gandalf enters.)
Balin: Welcome friend. I hope the grandeur of our court impresses you, for then you may see and realize that we have regained all our previous glory and strength of yore. But yet, we Dwarves have not regained all that is rightfully ours. But wait it is not aid that we seek now, but only knowledge. A knowledge which only you can provide.
Gandalf: Greetings to you O great and wise king. Friend you cal me and yet you renounce and old friendship and alliance with the elves. But, surely this is your decision to make and I must not tell anything. I have meddled to much in the affairs of middle earth already.
B: Our friendship brings with it a cost and is not bought cheap. Now we will offer it only to people who are ready to pay the price. O Mithrandir, but now will you not tell us about the Balrog?
G: Ask but be aware that I may refuse to answer it. I, Gandalf the Grey, who became Gandalf the white, have already interfared too much in the affairs of Middle Earth. This age is not the age of the Valars and the Wizards, but of the free people of middle earth. Now each race must choose its own destiny, and we wizards must not do anything to change the way history shapes up.
B: Did you not battle Balrog in depth of Moria? It is well known to us. Gilmi, Gloin’s son saw it with his own eyes. But now we doubt and fear that Balrog might have returned to Moria, or may return when we retake it, making all our efforts vain.
G: It may have returned or not. I say neither nay nor yea. O king, it is for you to decide to attack Moria or to shy away.
B: So you refuse to answer any of my questions?
G: I am bound not to answer any question any answer which alters the course of history in Middle Earth.
B: Has Gandalf forgotten the old friendship the old friendship of Dwarves? Has he also forgotten Gilmi, of the nine walkers, who risked his life for him in Moria. Will he not tell whether he killed Balrog or not.
G: This I can tell you O king, no one can kill a Balrog. It is beyond me or anyone save Illuvatar himself. But this too I will tell you, I quenched him. Whether it can refire or not is for you to find out and decide. Oh and as much as I would like to stay and enjoy your hospitality I have other business to tend. So I must ask your leave.
B: (Thinking aloud to himself): Is it not said “meddle not in affairs of wizards for they are both subtle and quick to anger”. He has quenched the Balrog but not killed it. Is it a subtle difference? Will Balrog come back? We do not know. But this we know, now is the time to attack Moria. We have already waited long enough.
Did Orcs use magic?
Magic in Middle earth is almost non magical. For Elves magic is their farsightedness both physically and in time, their really long lives which allows them to accumulate wisdom. For dwarves it is their finely crafted tools, their unmatched weapons and amour. Even the Balrogs, dragons can scarcely do anything really magical. They just were free of some physical limitations present in other people of middle earth. Only wizards can do anything really magical as Gandalf does when he produces fire out of thin air or closes a door by a word of power.
So the Orcs did not use magic, per se. But in fourth age when their tools and craft had surpassed even Dwarves, their products seemed magical to rest of the Middle-earth. Their wahans ,which was not available to any other race for long afterwards, seemed real magic to the other races.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Orcstory: The Orcs cometh
Orcstory: The Orcs cometh, Fourth age.
But then one event happened which made this dangerous travel in hostile lands unnecessary. It also forever changed the military equations of Middle-Earth. The Orcs made a chariot which was not driven by horses or wolves. Instead of being propelled by beasts of burden, it was propelled by fire. The Orcs called these chariots “wahan”, meaning that which carries.
These wahan could travel faster than any stead, or anything in middle earth. As the tools of the Orcs got better, the wahans became more sturdy and faster. In the times to come, these were to become the weapons of choice for the Orcs.
Now the Orcs could outrun any enemy and the travel between Moria and Mordor became much faster and much less dangerous. This greatly benefited the Orcs, on either sides of Anudin. The Mordor Orcs got the much needed mithril and the Moria Orcs got better tools, armor and weapons unsurpassed in quality in middle earth and wahans. By now, everyone in middle earth was aware of the power of the Orcs. The Elves tried to renew old alliances against the Orcs, but the Orcs had decided never to ally again with the Elves.
With the Elves forming new treaties against the Orcs, the Orcs signed a mutual non aggression pact with the Dwarves. The Orcs ceded parts of Moria to the Dwarves.
The alliance of men of Gondor and Elves was reformed. But many elves had already crossed the sea, and their numbers had dwindled. The alliance marched on to Mordor. But this time they had underestimated the power of Orcs. In their wahans, the Orcs poured out of Mordor and Moria in large numbers. They not only repulsed the attack but started occupying territories not previously theirs.
The war made the Elves and the Gondorians realize that the Orcs now could not be taken lightly. They asked the Valars for their help. But the Valars were asked by the Illuvatar not to meddle in the affairs of Middle-Earth. The Valars asked the Elves to come instead to Aman. But leaving the Gondorians at this time, without any allies would have amounted to treachery. So the Elves stayed behind to help in the war.
The Dwarves remained aloof of all these hostilities, joining neither the Orcs nor the Elves. The Orcs crossed the Anudin and overran parts of Gondor.
On the other front, the Orcs of Moria laid siege to Rivendell and the adjoining areas. The siege lasted for a long time before it was finally defeated. Help came to Rivendell from the most unexpected of the places. Tom Bombadil himself left his forests to defend the Orcs. With his help the hosts of Arnor and Hobbiton broke the siege of Rivendell.
But before that, the Orcs reformed their old alliances with races which had supported it in the previous wars. The alliance marched on to Rohan and other areas before it meet another totally unexpected foe, the Ents along with their Ent-wives. They now greatly increased in numbers proved to be an insurmountable barrier. The wahans of the Orcs could not crush them and their crossbows could not pierce their thick skin.
Now a stalemate was reached on all fronts in middle earth, with no side being able to get an obvious advantage. Both sides retrenched their positions and waited. Both sides were being bled financially and materially, without any obvious gains.
The second great winter of Middle-earth started during this time. The lakes froze over and all greenery wilted. There was shortage of food all over.
With resources barely enough to eat a ceasefire was called by all sides. All the races met and decided to stop the war then and there. The elves tried to negotiate a position where everyone got a place same as that before war, that at start of middle earth, but ultimately had to settle for status quo.
The winter lasted for forty years and no wars or hostilities were done during this time. As the winter receded, the need to maintain the ceasefire passed. But by this time the society and the economics of the races had so intermingled that no race could afford to strike other without seriously damaging itself. As summers came back to middle earth, and prosperity returned, the races joined together and formed the council of all races. All races were represented. This marked the end of the fourth age and beginning of the fifth. A age where financial and political power was much more important than military.
Orcstory: The Orcs cometh, Fourth age.
But then one event happened which made this dangerous travel in hostile lands unnecessary. It also forever changed the military equations of Middle-Earth. The Orcs made a chariot which was not driven by horses or wolves. Instead of being propelled by beasts of burden, it was propelled by fire. The Orcs called these chariots “wahan”, meaning that which carries.
These wahan could travel faster than any stead, or anything in middle earth. As the tools of the Orcs got better, the wahans became more sturdy and faster. In the times to come, these were to become the weapons of choice for the Orcs.
Now the Orcs could outrun any enemy and the travel between Moria and Mordor became much faster and much less dangerous. This greatly benefited the Orcs, on either sides of Anudin. The Mordor Orcs got the much needed mithril and the Moria Orcs got better tools, armor and weapons unsurpassed in quality in middle earth and wahans. By now, everyone in middle earth was aware of the power of the Orcs. The Elves tried to renew old alliances against the Orcs, but the Orcs had decided never to ally again with the Elves.
With the Elves forming new treaties against the Orcs, the Orcs signed a mutual non aggression pact with the Dwarves. The Orcs ceded parts of Moria to the Dwarves.
The alliance of men of Gondor and Elves was reformed. But many elves had already crossed the sea, and their numbers had dwindled. The alliance marched on to Mordor. But this time they had underestimated the power of Orcs. In their wahans, the Orcs poured out of Mordor and Moria in large numbers. They not only repulsed the attack but started occupying territories not previously theirs.
The war made the Elves and the Gondorians realize that the Orcs now could not be taken lightly. They asked the Valars for their help. But the Valars were asked by the Illuvatar not to meddle in the affairs of Middle-Earth. The Valars asked the Elves to come instead to Aman. But leaving the Gondorians at this time, without any allies would have amounted to treachery. So the Elves stayed behind to help in the war.
The Dwarves remained aloof of all these hostilities, joining neither the Orcs nor the Elves. The Orcs crossed the Anudin and overran parts of Gondor.
On the other front, the Orcs of Moria laid siege to Rivendell and the adjoining areas. The siege lasted for a long time before it was finally defeated. Help came to Rivendell from the most unexpected of the places. Tom Bombadil himself left his forests to defend the Orcs. With his help the hosts of Arnor and Hobbiton broke the siege of Rivendell.
But before that, the Orcs reformed their old alliances with races which had supported it in the previous wars. The alliance marched on to Rohan and other areas before it meet another totally unexpected foe, the Ents along with their Ent-wives. They now greatly increased in numbers proved to be an insurmountable barrier. The wahans of the Orcs could not crush them and their crossbows could not pierce their thick skin.
Now a stalemate was reached on all fronts in middle earth, with no side being able to get an obvious advantage. Both sides retrenched their positions and waited. Both sides were being bled financially and materially, without any obvious gains.
The second great winter of Middle-earth started during this time. The lakes froze over and all greenery wilted. There was shortage of food all over.
With resources barely enough to eat a ceasefire was called by all sides. All the races met and decided to stop the war then and there. The elves tried to negotiate a position where everyone got a place same as that before war, that at start of middle earth, but ultimately had to settle for status quo.
The winter lasted for forty years and no wars or hostilities were done during this time. As the winter receded, the need to maintain the ceasefire passed. But by this time the society and the economics of the races had so intermingled that no race could afford to strike other without seriously damaging itself. As summers came back to middle earth, and prosperity returned, the races joined together and formed the council of all races. All races were represented. This marked the end of the fourth age and beginning of the fifth. A age where financial and political power was much more important than military.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Orcstory: the fall of Sauron
The fall of Sauron and the unmaking of the one ring marked the end of the third age. With Sauron’s fall, the Orcs lost their main ally against the Elves. With Sauron gone most would have expected the Elves to strike deep and to destroy their orcish problem for once and for all. But Sauron's fall was a time of great joy for Elves and their allies. In such jolly times who would like to even venture inside the deep and desolate lands of Mordor, what to talk of waging a long drawn out war against the Orcs. And even without Sauron, the Orcs were not a problem to be dealt with in a day. It would have required a push against the Orcs in the unknown lands of Mordor. The elves weary of the long wars and ever ready to feast and to make joy almost forgot about the Orcs, whom they thought of nothing more than Sauron’s acolytes.
The Orcs retreated to their old strongholds of Mordor and Moria. The fall of Sauron though a great loss, also proved to be a blessing in disguise, as it freed the Orcs from an old but often and moreover lately fruitless alliance. The fall of Sauron, rearranged the political landscape of middle earth. The Valars powerful and proud, stopped looking upon Orcs as Sauron’s acolytes. It also made their giving unquestioned aid to the elves unnecessary. The Valars took lesser interest in the affair of middle-earth.
Meanwhile, the Orcs retrenched themselves in Mordor and Moria. The times of hardship bought out the better in them, as it had done many times before. To grow food in desolate lands of Mordor, for the increasing horde required extra-ordinary effort. But it also required something more, it required better tools. In the fire of Mount Doom, the Orcs forged tools unseen before. As new tools were formed, new secrets of smithing were learnt, which only the dwarves possessed previously. The Orcs surpassed all previous generations in this skill.
The victors during this time bickered amongst themselves to share the spoils of wars. Most of the races/parties got to retain what was previously theirs before the war. But the dwarves had not got back their most profitable mine, Moria.
The dwarves asked the elves and Gondor to help them recover Moria, a demand which was out rightly rejected by the elves and Gondor claiming lack of resources. This was partly true as they needed to rebuild their kingdom, but this angered the dwarves no end and they swore to never ally with the elves. Gandalf when asked about the Balrog said that he could not be sure if it returned to Moria or not. But the Balrog did not return to Moria. After sometime when the Orcs did not hear the Balrog’s noises, roamed freely in Moria and delved deep for mithril.
The orcish people were estranged during this time. Mordor and Moria were ruled by two different governments, with little or no contact between them.
The dwarves finally weary of waiting for help from their allies, decided to attack Moria alone. But even the dwarves in their hearts knew the futility of this attack with a insufficient army. The Orcs were ready for the attack, and easily repulsed the advance with both sides suffering little losses.
But this war and loss of the dwarves alerted the elves of the growing powers of the Orcs. The Orcs to started getting ready for the war looming on their borders. The Orcs of Moria had heard of the superior smithing skills of people of Mordor. The Orcs from Mordor had increasing need of better metals to work with, especially mithril. This necessitated communication and trade between the two orcish people. But this required passage through lands not controlled by the Orcs and hostile to them. For sometime the Orcs tried to move through these lands stealthily in those lands but were always caught. This loss of man and material made trade very costly. Still the trade increased and flourished owing to great need of both the orcish people for produce of the other.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Orcish Society: Democracy/Dictatorship
Democracy first came to the Orcs after the end of the reign of Shah-rookh. After his death, and Lazog’s victory, no leader could claim the throne bye the virtue of birth. So the orc clans choose their central leader by way of polling. It was the first recorded democratic exercise in the history of middle earth, though the early clans choose their leaders by popular vote.
It had a trickle down effect and soon almost all public offices were decided by popular vote. It had a deep impact on the orcish psyche that it made them believe in equality of all irrespective of birth. It probably also made them more cunning and wary as they had to live with the deceits of politicians.
The path to democracy was perilous and democracy was achieved at cost of many lives, and when no one intended it. After the war between Lazog and Shah-rookh, Lazog enlisted the help of prominent people of various orcish clans, who were not chiefs but prominent people in their own right. The chiefs generally supported the king, Shah-rookh, being old and natural allies. When Lazog won over, he made his supporters chiefs and other high officials, but that right and title was not to be hereditary but rather to be won over. Lazog took the title “Ruler by the Will of the People”.
With democracy and the meritocracy it bought, the orcs made great progress in all fields. When Melkor was released from prisons, he was both astonished and pleases to find the Orcs not in need of help, but rather ready to lend it to him.
Monday, August 15, 2005
Story of the Orcs in the First Age, part two.
However the Edain and Elves didnot launch any major offensive against the Orcs. So in the meantime the Orcs nursed their dwindled strength and strengthened their army. The orcs launched a major offensive against the Orcs. However in preparation for this war the Orcs had become too top heavy. They had the army and the firepower against the orcs but not the resources to support it. The Orcs had no fertile lands or rich mines or big cities. The Edain, however had no scarcity of resources, coming from the Aman. Rook's grandson Shah-rookh was the king at that time. He launched fast and major offensives against the elves, but in his vengeful wrath, he destroyed and razed all the citieds of the Edain that he could lay his hands upon, instead of milking and profiting from them. He didnot have the resources to pay for and maintain his arme. So a part of the army led by Lazog rebelled. This was an era of much kinstrife and kinslaying among the orcs. This gave rise to the legend in the middle earth that the Orcs are always fighting amongst theselves. It also had a major impact on the Orcish pchyse that the Orcs became wary of all, even a cvlose kin. It also allowed the Edain to fight back.
At this time Melkor was released on parole. He stopped the Orcs from fighting the Edains. With his coming, the Elves got a strong central figure and the wars among Orcs stopped. However by that time Lazog and his allies were clear winners, and the reign of the Rookh dynasty came to an end. Melkor allied with the Noldorian elves. But before this alliance could be cemented, the Noldorians elves betrayed the Orcs and Melkor and went to Valars. Valars wary of growing power and influence of the Melkor attack him. Melkor runs away to Middle Earth amongst the Orcs. They attack Noldor and destroy the two light trees and take away the three silmarils. Their is darkness in the world, and so power of Orcs and Dark Valars increases. They make war upon the Elves remaining in Middle earth. The valars are unable to send any help to elves due to darkness in the world. The orcs set up a huge empire in middle earth. But they grow too confident and donot crush the remainants of Elvish resistance.
The elves cement their friendship with the Edain through intermarriages. A new race of the half elven is born. They take back the silmarils and sail back to aman where they ask for and get aid against the Orcs. The valars sensing their chance send all their might to the support of the Elvish alliance in middle earth. The Orcs unprepared for this lose on all fronts. Melkor is overthrown.
This marks the end of the first age.
Jeejewisha of the Orcs
This quality is called "jeejewisha", the will to live. And this no one, not even the Elves, can deny that Orcs have in plenty. Though the elves will put it differently and say that the orcs live like animals and wild boars.
This is one quality which every Orcs is proud to have and values above all other quality. For it is this quality which has allowed to live in such trying circumstances. It is this quality which has enabled them to stay put in middle-earth in spite of all efforts and treachouries of the Elves. It is this quality which has stopped the Elves from exterminating them.
Were the Orcs left any choice? He that is down need fear no fall. When their cities were destroyed, not once but many times, in course of long history of middle earth, they fought back with whatever weapons they were left, ate what food they could raise and slept in lands they could go. But all these efforts of theirs were left unsung and unpraised, for their kins and friends were fighting or dead. And after this they were called no better than wild beasts by men and Elves. But this also made them hardy like wild beasts. It gave them the Jeejewisha of the wild boars. In spite of all hardships life seemed fair to them.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
The rise and rise of Orcs
After the fall of Sauron, Orcs were left leaderless. But it also freed them from many shakles. The Elves had no pressing need to move against them. For all his help, Sauron was a laibility to the Orcs, with the entire machinery of the Valars and the Elves geared against him. With Sauron gone the Orcs were able to forge new allainaces. Being governed by one of their one also allowed them more freedom in choosing their friends, allies and policies.
Popularity of Tolkien
How popular is Tolkien? Many consider him to be the leading story teller of the 21st century. His books have been read by millions. Movies on his books are amongst the top grossers of all times. A quantitative measure is the number of pages Google indexes for various middle earth terms. So I did some googling and came up with these reults.
middle earth:1,510,000
In comparision some other fantasy writter have these many pages referencing them.
"frank herbert":813,000
"isaac asimov":686,000
Please notice that the last two terms have been quoted before searching. This had to be done because frank/herbert are common names and all references will not necsessarily refer to the writter of Dune. But Tolkien is such an uncommon name that it usually will be reffering to the writter.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Was Tolkien a racist?
In all of his writing, in all of middle earth, the bad people are from the east( Asia?) and the good are from west(Europe?).
As you move west the people get better. The Valars live in the west of middle earth. The Qwendy live on the western coast of . And their undying lands, where they go after they are tired of life on middle earth, oh yes west. The orcs, the other evils, east obviously. Where is that stronghold of evil mordor? The eastmost part of middle earth. The more east you go the worse they become.
All the evils, the orcs, the Goblins in The Hobbit have dark skin. Notice how tolkien describes Orcs in one of his letters. "The Orcs are stated to be curruption of the human form seen in Elves an Men. They are squat, broad, flat-nosed, sallow skinned, with wide mouths and slant eyes;in fact, degraded and repulsive versions of the least lovely Mongol types". The Orcs so are either Mongoloids or Dark skinned.
Having said this, I would like to say that Tolkiens thoughts were the products of his time. The concept of race equality was not as common as it is today. The Europeans were thought to be racially superior. And so the racism would not be shocking as it is today.
Monday, August 08, 2005
Lord of the Rings Fanatics Tour: Mordor
Tolkien wrote his story damn stark black and white. Elves are good Orcs are bad. Tolkiens story is told from the side of Elves. To greyen this story a little, to put forward the Orcish perspective, I write this Story. -
Tolkiens story is undemocratic and dynastic. X was great coz he was the son of Y. No one became great by their works, they all inherited it. And democracy does not even get a passing mention. To bring some democracy to middle earth I write this story. -
The story is castist. Best are the valars. No elf is bad. Then come the humans and dwrafs. At the bottom lie orcs. Why this segmentation of society. The orcs would be much more cosmopolitan. All orcs would be equal without castist feelings. -
Because to be civilised you need to love music,etc. And it is even more important than working hard or anything. -
Coz Tolkien was a racist. Ha-Ha. But more on that later.
Chronology of Ages, Orcish perspective: Second age
1. Sauron with the leftover of the dark citcle returns to the desolate lands of Mordor and starts making a stronghold there. Orcs, on the run on alll sides retreat to Mordor.
2. Stronghold of Barad-dur in Mordor completed.
3. Middle earth has relative peace for a long time with both sides nursing their dwindled strength.
4. Sauron proposes peace to Elves. Gil-gilad, the high king of the Elves, refuses to have anything with him. But the smiths of Eregion are won over.
5. As a tribute to peace between the two warring people, the Rings of Power are started to be formed. The ring was to have powers of both light and dark side.
6. Strife over ownership of ring ensues. Sauron realises that the elves still didnot trust him and would never allow him to have a ring of power.
7. Sauron starts making the one ring to be mastor of all rings, in secret.
8. Open war between Elves and Orcs over ownership of the rings.
9. With the power of the one Ring behind him, Sauron attacks the elves of eriador and overuns it.
10. Gil-gilad sends Elerond to Eriador. He retreats with the remainants of the Elves to Rivendell.
11. Numenoreans send a great army to the help of the elves. Unpreapared for this sudden onslaught, Sauron retreats to Mordor.
12. Mordor is besieged for a long time.
13. Numenorians attack Mordor. Sauron is caught and is taken to Numenor.
14. Sauron is presented before the King of Numenor, and tells him the truth that those with the mastery of Aman will have unending life. Numenorians sure of their powers and jealous of their allies infinite life plan to attack Aman.
15. Numenor breaks into two camps over the plan to attack Aman.
16. Numenorians attack Aman. Valars call upon the Illuvatar and cast down Numenor into the sea. The numenorians loyal to the Valars are given safe passage to Middle-Earth where they form two kingdoms in exile; Gondor and Arnor. Sauron comes back to mordor.
17. Sauron attacks Gondor.
18. Numenorians and Elves form the Last Alliance of Elves and Men and march on Mordor. Sauron is defeated and the one Ring is lost. Sauron is rendered powerless.
*end of Second Age*
Chronology of Ages, Orcish perspective: First age
1. Arose in middle earth at the same time as Elves
2. Both were just small tribes in the beginning. Orcs preferred day while Elves preferred day.
3. When both grew large enough, the nearby resources were not large enough to maintain both tribes. As a result fighting broke out between them. At this time Valars came to know that the children of Illuvatars thought had arisen in the middle earth.They came searching for them.
4. Being diurnal they first met the Elves and first heard their viewpoint. The Elves ask them to arbitrate in their wars on their behalf.
5. By this time the Orcs had became wary of all day creatures. They refuse to meet the Valars.
6. The Valars lend their aid to Elves in war against the Orcs. Greatly outmatched Orcs retreat to their underground cities. in the darkness of the underground ,the Valars powers were greatly lessened and Elves not very sure about the powers of the Orcs in the underground, did not pursue the Orcs to the underground. At this time, Orcs become underground creatures.
8. Orcs meet the dark Valars and forge an alliance. The powers in the middle-earth now being more matched the Orcs launch an offensive against the unprepared Elves. First war of the races begins.
9. Both sides suffer great losses.
10. The Valars attack Utumno itself and destroy it. The league of Dark Valars is broken. Melkor captured and brought to prison.
11. Outmatched again, Orcs suffer great reverses.
12. Around this time, humans arise in middle earth .Both sides ask for help in their war. Human camp breaks in two. Edain join the Elves and Rodain join the Orcs.
13. Weary of war and wanting peace in Middle-Earth the Valars ask the Elves to cease the war and to live with them in Aman.
14. Elves in large numbers leave middle earth. Edain are left allyless but hold on with the war machinery created by the Elves and those who remained back.
15. Elves advance a great civilization in Aman .Under the tutelage of the Valars and free of any threat, they become great philosophers, musicians and learners. Orcs meanwhile, always busy in war and besieged are left a primitive civilization.
16. Melkor is released on parole. (Some say under direct intervention from the Illuvatar, who was moved with pity on the poor condition of the Orcs). A ceasefire is signed between the Orcs and the Elves. Orcs gather their dwindled strength.
17. Orcs win over a group of Elves (Noldor) to their side and to their friendship. A treaty of friendship and alliance is signed between them. The circle of Vark Valars is formed again.
18. The Noldor betray the Orcs and inform the Valars of Melkors designs.
19. Wary and aware now of the increasing strength of the Orcs the Valars attack Melkor and Orcs.
20. By now the strength of the Orcs and the Council of Dark Valars was great enough for the Elves and the Valars. They hold off the attack and Melkor launches an offensive against the Noldor.
21. He destroys the two light trees and takes the three Silmarils with him. There was darkness in the world with the Silmarils gone and so power of the Council of Dark Valars and Orcs increased, while that of Elves and Valars decreased.
22. Orcs make war upon the Edain and Elves living in the Middle-earth..
23. Without the light of the trees and the Silmarils, the Valars are unable to send any help to middle earth.
24. Under the guidance of the Council of Dark Valars, the Orcs have their first major win. They setup their largest empire yet in the middle-earth.
25. The win lulls them to be too sure of themselves and they do not crush the ruminants of the Elvish or the Edainic resistance.
26. The Rodain for their help are given large areas of land as their own.
27. Elves and the Edain cement their alliance through intermarriage. A new race of the half elven is born.
28. The half elven recover the one Silmaril and with its help sail back to Aman. There they plead and win aid, for the Elves and Edain of the middle earth.
29. Valars send all their might to the aid of the Elves. Melkor is captured and cast away in the darkness of EA. The strongholds of the Orcs and the Rodan are captured or destroyed.
30. For interfering too brazenly in the war of the races the Valars are reprimanded by Illuvatar and asked not to interfere again ere the need be too great.
*end of first age*
Story of the Orcs in the First Age.
Orcs arose in the middle earth about same time as the Elves. They all claim descent to one of the of the eight Orc fathers. The chief and the mightiest amongst them was Gorukh and as homage to him the orcs call themselves Oruk or Orc to outsiders.
It was a member of his tribe that first met the Elves and formed relationships with them. Soon there was trade and even bonhomie between Orcs and the Elves.
By chance or by design, there was a long winter in middle-earth and the supply of food and resources dried up. A war erupted in middle earth for the control the resources and what was left of fertile lands. Gorukh not wishing to make war and to stop more hardship in the hard winter negotiates a ceasefire with the Elves. To complete the formalities he goes to the Elven capital. But not all amongst the Elves, wished peace. A group of rebels led by Golmandu assassinated Gorukh. Thus, ceasefire breaks and full-fledged war breaks out. Gorukh’s heir Moorukh succeeds him. This is a time of long stalemate with no side being able to force a decisive victory. The Elves make advances in the day but had to suffer reverses in the night.
Sometime during this time, the Valars enter middle earth, looking for the children of Illuvatar. Being diurnal, they first meet the elves. They wish to meet the Orcs too and arbitrate in their disputes and bring the war to an end. To this end, they call the king of orcs Moorukh. But by this time orcs were wary of all day creatures and remembering the treachery of the Elves to Gorukh, Moorukh refuses to meet the valars.
Valars wrathful at this high handedness of the Orcs, lend their aid to the Elves in their wars against the Orcs. Orcs are greatly outmatched and suffer great reverses. Moorukh is slain in the battle of Barad. Moorukh’s heir Rookh realizes that he could not fight against the combined forces of the Elves and the Valars. He with the remainder of the Orcs retreats to his underground cities. The Elves could not pursue the Orcs in darkness and so give up the chase.
In the safety of their undergrounds, they first meet Melkor and forge an alliance. With his help, the Orcs launch an offensive against the unprepared Elves. Rookh regains his lost territories. The news reaches the Valars and they worried over the Elves seek to cut off the supply from Melkor to the Orcs. With this end in mind, they attack Utumno itself.
As Melkor had sent all his might to the help of the Orcs, he could not hold on against the might of the Valars. Melkor is caught and Utumno is destroyed.
The supply from Melkor to the Orc dries up, while the Elves get new war supply from the valars. Orcs suffer reverses again and had to retreat again. But this time, Elves attack the underground cities too, with the help of the newly forged Silmirils (pebbles of light). Rookh dies in the siege of Un-barad. Left leaderless and outmatched, Orcs run away on all sides. Heirs of Rookh and his household move away in secret.
This was a time of great suffering and hardship for the Orcs. They were left leaderless and homeless and were on run on all sides. It is a testament to the “jeejewisha" (the will to live) of the Orcs that they survived this time and came out stronger out of all this. At this time, all their cities were destroyed or besieged. They were being hunted down like wild beasts.
The Orcish horde now destroyed and diminished, the valars got confident that the Middle-Earth was safe against the Orcs and the league of the dark valars. So they asked the Elves to come to aman and to live with them. Most of the Elves go to aman, but some remain behind and easily fend off against the weak orcish horde.
The races.
However, the point is that the history of middle earth as told by Tolkien is the history from the side of elves. It does not take into account the views of orcs. The history of middle earth is not the story of fight between good and evil. It is the fight between two camps. It is the fight between the creatures of day and the creatures of night.
In this story, the orcs lost and so Tolkien’s story has a happy ending. If the story is told from side of the orcs it will be a tragedy, but it will be a story alright. It is the story that I tell.
Were the elves loving and caring. Did they love music and arts so much? Yes they were. They should be. Because they had all the resources for themselves. They were sitting on all the good things the world had to offer. The most fertile lands, the most precious gems, the most profitable mines. And an infinite life to enjoy it. And a haven to sail away when they got bored of all this good life.
Orcs were jealous and fighting amongst themselves. But what choice did they have. All the resources were taken from them. There never was enough of anything. If one is hungry, he will try to get food from whatever source he had, by any means, beg, borrow or steal. It could not matter if the other person was his own kindred. So there was strife amongst orcs. They did not care for music. They could not. The first priority was living. The elves never let them care for anything else.
Humans sometimes saw the viewpoint of the orcs and sometimes they did not. Therefore, humans have helped both the dark and light in the wars. The dwarves never saw their viewpoint and never helped them.
Story of the Middle Earth as told by Tolkien.
1. Valar, children of gods thought created.
2. Discord amongst the valar,dark and light sides , led respectively by melkor and manwe divide.
3. God shows them a dream,the craetion of the world. Valar want to realise it.
4. Both dark and light sides join to realise this great dream.
5. Second strife amongst the sides.both sides are estranged for ever.
6. Manwe casts Melkor and the Valars on his side away from the circles of the valarar and he along with his allies finishes the remaining part. Melkor finishes his great fortress Utumno. While the Valars rest he gathers his strengths, calls the Ainur who sang with him in the notes and assails the valarar. He strikes down the two lamps of Valar and returns back to Utumno.
7. Valars retreat to a new land, Aman and fortify it against Melkor.
8. Elves arise in middle earth
9. Valars learn that Melkor had found out about elves, and fearing he might currupt them they attack him. Melkor is captured and Utumno destroyed.
10. Melkor kept in prision in valarinor. Qwendi advance a great civilisation.
11. Melkor released on parole.
12. Melkor wins some of the qwendi (noldor) to his side.
13. Valars find out about it and seek to punish him.
14. Melkor runs away and eludes his pursurers. He regroups and attacks king of the noldor for betraying him to the valarinor.
15. The two light trees are destroyed again. Melkor takes the three Simarils with him.
16. Melkor restablishes his kingdom in the middle earth. He wages war upon the elves living there.
17. One silmaril recovered by the half elven.
18. Half elven sail back to valarinor. They obtain help from valarar.
19. Melkor is caught and cast into the darkness of ea. Highly weakened he could not return.
20. The edain are given a new piece of land to dwell in, away from the worries of middle earth. They are also given a long life, thrice that of ordinary men.
21. Sauron, an ainur who had sung with melkor in the notes ,leads rest of melkor's followers back to middle earth. He makes a new strong hold in the lands of Mordor.
22. Sauron stives with the elves for mastery of middle earth. He completes his stronghold of Barad-dur in Mordor.
22b. Sauron joins the eldar for forging the rings of power. Gil-gilad refuses to deal with him, but the smiths of Aregion join him.
22c. Elven smiths craft three rings. Sauron realising he will not get any of these rings forges one ring to be their master, secretly.
23c. War between Sauron and the Elves over claim of the rings.
24d. Sauron attacks and wins over the elves of Eriador. Gil-gilad sends Elrond to Eriador. He retreats with remainants of elves.
24e. Numenoreans send a great army to help of elves. Sauron is forced to retreat to mordor.
24f. Civil war in numenor.
23. Numenoreans attack Mordor and catch Sauron. He is taken to numenor.
24. Sauron tells to the Numerorean king that those who have mastery of Aman have unending life. Numenorians become jealous of unending life of Elves and Valar. Numenoreans believe him.
25. Numenoreans attack Aman.
26. Valars lay dsown their guardianship over the wotld. Numenor cast down into the sea. Aman taken away from circles of earth. Numenorians who had opposed attack on Aman given a chance to get away.
27. Numenorians-in-exile form two kingdoms in middle earth- Gondor and Arnor. King of Numenoreans who was faithiful to the valarar-
Elendil becomes king of north kingdom, Arnor. His sons Isildur and Anarion oversee Gondor.
28. Sauron wishing to strike before numenorean-in-exile have taken roots attacks Gondor. Isildur escapes. Anarion defends the fortresses of Gondor.
29. Last alliance of elves and numenorean men is formed. Gil-gilad and Elendil march towards Mordor. Sauron defeated in all of his strong holds exept Barad-dur. Anarion is slain.
30. Siege of barad-dur begins.
31. Sauron captured and overthrown. Gil-gilad and Elendil perish in this siege. Isildur captures the one ring.
This marks the overthrow of Sauron and end of the first age.
Top reasons why Orcs are beter than Elves
They are faithful. Never in any age did they change sides, or betrayed their allies. The elves on the other side, had dealings with the dark valars many times. The Noldeian elves were won over. The rings of power were formed by the elves themselves. -
They are not treachorous or cunning. They didnot take away the gifts Illuvatar had meant for all of his children; Orcs, Elves, Humans all and grow rich and powerful at the expense of other races. -
They are not boastful. When elves got all of riches, lands, knowledge, lore they indulged in merry making and songs, not work for new inventions. This they passed off as proof of their being very civilised. The orcs lived on whatever little they had, yet with their hard work were as strong as the Elves. -
They had *jeejewisha*. This is a hindi term which tells about the extreme will to live even in highly trying situations. The orcs had this in plenty.